Saturday, October 12, 2013

SOS: Shutdown in DC

My preamble for this post is two fold.

First, there are three things people say you should never discuss at a bar: Politics, religion, and sports. The last of these three is impossible so don't bother ignoring it. The middle is always right, but the first is hard to avoid in Washington, DC, where I now manage a Lounge.

Second, those of you who know me know that I have a history in politics. I was quite good at it. However; I made the choice to get into this industry.  I think it has taken a uniquely bi-partisan effort to this adequately fuck up the government, but at this point the Republicans are being sore losers. If Cruz had ever been in a fight in his life, he would've already had a lesson I learned when I got my ass kicked for the first time when I was 11: sometimes you lose. Suck it up.

Now, onto what this post is really about.

I need your help.

See, there is an unseen victim to this government shutdown. Everyone knows that by our esteemed members of congress throwing a temper tantrum,  they are screwing hundreds of thousands of federal employees, people who just want to do a job, out of their money. But all of this is hurting a second group two. People just like me.

As many of you know, the DC license plate boldly says "Taxation without representation." Why, some may ask? Well, unlike most of my readers, I don't have a Senator or Congressman that I can call up and say, "Hey, asshole, do your job and stop acting like a child." DC lacks representation. What is the most ironic out of all of this is that the local businesses in DC are the ones being hit the hardest. See, Nationally, 14.9% of jobs are public sector. Here in our nation's capital, its closer to 30%. I am lucky and have not been feeling the crushing effects of the shutdown as bad as some, but with the debt ceiling looming, federal catering events are canceling.

Ryan, a good friend of mine, told me yesterday "It was a ghost town on U Street. The first weekend was fun with shutdown parties but people are legit nervous now. They're saving their money."

Understand that the service industry ceases to exist with nobody to serve.

I know the members of Congress don't give a shit about anyone in DC because we don't get them elected, but call your Congressmen. Call your senators. Let them know that its more than the parks and the federal employees. It's the entire food-chain that they are toying with. All because they are throwing a temper tantrum.

I think that house republicans and democrats need to sit down, have a shot, have a cocktail, have another shot, and get all of this out of their system. Clear the air and actually talk to each other. En Vino Vertias.

In fact, come down to Mate Lounge. If you promise to actually negotiate, first round is on me.

...But I won't hold my breath.

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